About the Project
CoastSnap is a global citizen science project which relies on the public
Your photos, taken at our installations, will help provide data regarding how climate change is impacting our beaches
To find out more click here

Map of Welsh CoastSnap Locations updated 02/09/2024
This map displays our CoastSNAP sites. Click on each site to find out the most recent submission numbers and a photo of the site
Is your favourite beach or even house, at risk of a 1 in 200 year coastal flood event? Check out the flood layer on the map above to find out!
The tidal flood risk model and coastal erosion risk model were developed by Natural Resources Wales, more information can be found here
CoastSnap Sites
CoastSnap Timelapses
Images also welcome via:
Email: wcmccoastsnap@gmail.com
Or send us a message via:
Instagram: walescoastalmonitoringcentre
Facebook: Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre
Twitter: @WalesMonitoring