WCMC Stakeholder Event 13/10/2022
Session 1 - 26 delegates attended with a mixture of MLA's, NRW and Welsh Government​.
Welcome Address - Emlyn Jones, Gwynedd Council
Beach Replenishment Scheme at Colwyn Bay - Owen Conry, Conwy Council
WCMC overview - Gwyn Nelson, Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre
Session 2 - The attendees were split into 3 breakout rooms to discuss topics around each of the 3 pillars at WCMC.
Summary Findings from Breakout Rooms
Summary Points from Each Breakout Room
PILLAR 1 – Consistently optimising access to interpreted coastal data – Hosted by William Russell (WCMC)
This group consisted of 8 people with the following key findings;
Some find the data portal difficult to use
Some MLA’s find the ‘long term trends’ in coastal data to be the most useful
Data access must be appropriate to the audience e.g. how useful is it to the public?
Perhaps a basic public interface should be separate to an interrogation tool for RMA’s?
Each MLA may have individual requirements, e.g. cliff erosion as opposed to beach volume
More advanced flood warning would be useful as sometimes flood gates aren’t closed quick enough
Pillar 2 Committed to ongoing engagement with all levels of stakeholders – Hosted by Jean-Francois Dulong (WLGA)
This discussion group consisted of 6 people with the following key findings;
There is an internal need to better raise awareness of coastal processes amongst elected members and other departments to better plan activities and long-term options.
The idea that a range of external coastal stakeholders could be impacted therefore it is important to involve inland stakeholders.
NRW access WCMC data to help develop schemes. Other national stakeholders such as Network rail and National trust could also benefit from our data.
Equally, they may collect data that may help us ‘fill the gaps’ across Wales.
There is a need to explore mechanisms to share data with them.
Question: Should the WCMC create some awareness raising material or is it the responsibility of each organisation and coastal group?
1 participant felt that it may be better received from an expert, independent, and not politically driven organisation, especially if the target audience is the public.
Pillar 3 Continually ensuring highest priority locations - Emlyn Jones (Gwynedd Council)
This discussion group consisted of 7 people with the following key findings.
Question: Where do you feel that coastal issues sit within your organisation?
Some were satisfied that coastal issues were afforded the attention it deserves within their organisation.
But – resources are an issue in all organisations, so does this reflect that possibly it is not as high a priority as it is in reality, if resources are not allocated sufficiently? Even NRW were in this category.
Question: Do you as an organisation prioritise your coast?
All the participants said they did, with varying methodologies but most were operational and problem / reactively driven. Not much strategic weighting.
Also, the ‘private’ frontages are dismissed to a degree from considerations. All participants (bar one new starter) were aware of the WCMC Risk Based Methodology and were comfortable with the criteria.